Did you know that the pimples popping up on your skin today actually began to form approximately 90 days ago?
It takes about 90 days for a pimple to form. It starts as a microcomedones in the pore and can take 3 different paths: a whitehead, a blackhead or a pustule, depending upon the presence of bacteria and inflammation.
So, whatever you were using/doing 3 months ago that wasn’t acne-prone skin friendly is now rearing its ugly head…no pun intended.
If you recently used something that is acnegenic, you can experience an almost immediate breakout. The acnegenic offender kicked off a cascade of inflammation which caused one or more those ticking time bombs under the skin to come to the surface. Acne sucks! If you are struggling with your acne, please get in contact with us today. We can help you!