There is so much misinformation spread in this industry and on the internet. Silicones are demonised for being used in cosmetics but the reasons why are simply myths.
Here are some myths that exist about Silicones:
1. They suffocate the skin and trap bacteria.
2. They hinder exfoliation
3. The coating action actually prevents the skin from sloughing off dead skin cells.
4. The coating properties may increase breakouts, particularly if you’re susceptible to acne, which will lead to scars and older-looking skin.
NONE of these are true. All the blog articles stating this information have no references to back up their claims and are simply making assumptions.
Silicones don’t actually suffocate the skin at all. They form a vapour permeable membrane. What this means is that it allows for the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the skin. This is important because suffocating the skin stops it repairing itself.

We use them because they have tremendous benefit for both acne and barrier repair. In order for the skin to heal properly, especially acne lesions they need a moist environment. This is why wounds heal better with a band-aid (sticking plaster with gauze pad) on them than without one.