Have you ever looked longingly into the fruit bowl and wondered what banana may do for the skin? Hey it’s good enough to be ingested, why not slather it over my face?
Now we don’t want to be the fun police, and it is not our intention to kill your creativity. We just love skin so much that we want you to look after yours and make educated decisions.

REMEMBER just because it’s on the internet does not mean it is true. The internet and its counterparts are unregulated sources of information. Anyone can be an expert…and unfortunately there are many DIY skincare recipes that are actually causing more harm than good.
Firstly DIY is a one size approach. The person who came up with the concoction does not know your skin type and most likely does not have an understanding of how the skin works.
Secondly, food and cosmetic ingredients have different grades. Cosmetic grade ingredients are higher quality and have to meet a purity standard.
Thirdly, you need some form of preservative. Many DIY masks contain raw eggs and raw honey which can lead to harmful bacteria.
Book an appointment and talk to a skin expert today to get the perfect prescription for your skin!