Honey is one of the ingredients we see frequently used by DIY skin care advocates. However honey isn’t particularly a great choice.
Raw Honey is the worst offender as it is not pasteurized and can be contaminated with clostridium. Putting this on an open pimple or skin can lead to contamination. Negative effects such as paralysis and cardiac arrhythmia have been reported due to systemic effects of the toxin.

Table honey also doesn’t necessarily have medicinal properties. Manuka honey regardless of what UMF it has is table honey. It has not undergone sterilisation. A Manuka Honey with a UMF factor of 18 has 18 mg/kg of Methylglyoxal. Whereas medihoney has 400-500 mg/kg. That is like 20 times the amount.
Medihoney is the only honey that has medicinal properties for wounds and the skin. Medihoney has gone through gamma irradiation to make it sterile for wound use. There is a specific species they choose for it, as it is the only one that can withstand the gamma irradiation. This species does not lose its antibacterial activity.
The reason often cited for use is that honey contains propolis. It actually contains very little. Honey is mainly 80% sugar and 20% water. You would be better putting a well formulated mask on your skin instead.