Iodine consumption in the form of iodine rich foods such as seaweed or systemic medications may create an eruption of pustules. Next time you are tucking into that roll of sushi be aware that it is kelp and it contains a lot of iodine. It is also best to check your multivitamins. Very few of them don’t contain iodine. Wheat grass and spirulina are also an issue.

Seaweed in cosmetics could be another reason why your skin isn’t clearing. It can be under many names on an ingredient deck. Seaweed can be referred to as algae, Irish moss and carrageenan to name a few. Whilst many seaweeds contain anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial actives they also contain iodine and bromides.
The percentage in a formula will also determine how much you break out. Many years ago Cosmetic formulator and CEO of Roccoco Botanicals used a cream and it caused her to break out. She then then formulated a cream with only 2% to test the validity and cysts were forming within days. The ingredient was removed and is no Roccoco formulation for this reason. We suggest avoiding it all together.
If you are unsure about any of the products you’re using including your hair care or supplements, please book a consultation today and we can work through them together.