Pine needles are one of our superstar ingredients in our Dermal Lift Treatment. Pine needles are rich in Vitamin C having 8 times the vitamin c of oranges. Pine needle is high in the antioxidant beta-carotene, a natural form of Vitamin A. Pine Needles are also rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K being known to assist with strengthening capillaries.

Pine needle is highly anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, reducing interleukin-1 when applied topically as well as inhibiting the growth of staph aureus. This makes it perfect for those who suffer from atopic dermatitis.
Pine needle is anti-aging. It’s mode of action for decreasing wrinkles is by decreasing an enzyme called MMP-9, which is involved in inflammation and skin ageing.
Pine Needles are found in our Roccoco Botanicals Dermal Lift Treatment. Book your salon appointment today!