Can’t seem to get rid of your breakouts? If you are a smoker that could just be the reason why.
Smoking actually affects acne. Smoking increases an inflammatory cytokine called interleukin 1a and this is the initiating trigger of blackheads and acne. There is a very strong correlation in female adult acne and smoking.
Nicotine has been shown to have a hyperkeratizing effect. What this means is it makes your skin overproduce skin cells massively. These cells end up clogging the top of your follicle leading to breakouts. What you see with acne skins who smoke is a predominance of micro and macro comedones with only a few inflammatory lesions. This is classic of it!

The best products to help address this are Roccoco Botanicals Clarifying C Serum due to its very stable Vitamin C and also Roccoco Botanicals Mandelic Serum.
Your skin will never be completely clear if you continue to smoke. Even the best products out there will not clear your skin 100%