There is much confusion on what comedogenic means. Many get it confused with acnegenicity which is different. Comedogenicity is the ability of a substance to cause hyperkeratosis (over production of skin cells) particularly in the top portion of the follicle. The end result is scaling of the skin and the production of microcomedones (invisible) and comedones. Eventually over a 3-6 month period these will turn into acne lesions. Comedogenic substances do not cause acne immediately. They actually take time, which is why you need to take this into context when you examine the benefits of many natural oils and butters as few studies have shown the impact of continued use.
Acnegenicity is when a breakout occurs within days of the use of a product. It has to do with the irritation of the follicle associated with the ingredient use. There are many ingredients that are both acnegenic and comedogenic. Coconut Oil and Argan Oil are good examples.
Acne takes 3-6 months to form. When you see ads saying something cleared their acne in 7 days, all that happened is it cleared their existing lesions. They still have a tonne of acne lesions below the surface. Clearing acne is a process. It is not over night and requires commitment. Something that many are unable to do due to the dazzle of new products emerging all the time. If you want to get clear you need to commit to a product for 3 months minimum. Any less than that and you are doing a disservice to yourself and also the product you are using. Using a product a couple times a week will have little to no effect on the skin.

An ingredient being comedogenic only applies to those that are acne prone. If you are not prone to acne you will not get breakouts from these ingredients. You can use them as much as you want.
When Comedogenicity of an ingredient is tested it is ONLY tested on an acne skin. The tests are never performed on those that do not have acne because results are irrelevant and give false results. Hormonal acne is not true acne either. You won’t know if a product is going to be comedogenic until months after you start using it. Most don’t realise what is causing the breakout either. This is why you need to speak to an acne specialist. Make an appointment with Meg today!