
07 4774 3106 or 0428 744 651


One of the concepts poorly understood is the fact that 90% of the basis of preventing scarring is hydration.

This is the same principle that is used in surgical wounds. This is the reason alginate dressings are used. They minimise the risk of scarring.  The problem with most acne treatments is they strip the skin and dehydrate it, which means lesions take much longer to heal.

This is why our facial protocols focus on increasing and retaining hydration. Wounds heal better in a moist environment.  So the next time you go to dry out that pimple. Think if that’s what you really want.

At our salon we are fully committed to continual education on Holistic skin and body wellness.  Make an appointment today to get the most appropriate and up to day advice from an acne expert!  Call Megan on 0428 744 651 to make an appointment today.

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