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There are many consumers that go to great lengths to avoid chemicals due to toxicity concerns, however there is a toxin that is far more dangerous and has far reaching effects.

This toxin is called STRESS

Stress changes gene expression. It changes how well your immune system works and how fast you age. It also affects sebum production and your skin barrier function.
Stress increases inflammation and damages your mitochondria which are your bodies powerhouses that help repair.  Stress reduces your body’s ability to detoxify. Meaning toxins accumulate more.

I find one of the simplest pleasures for reducing stress is to give yourself a facial. Nothing relaxes you like a pampering mask. It makes you feel better about yourself and raises your good feeling hormones.

Meditation is also magic.  Next time you feel stressed ask yourself,  is this worth getting upset about? I find too often people become upset over the most trivial thing. Their stress levels are triggered so easily.

So this weekend do your skin and genes a favour and relax!

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